Janet & Khan’s Mirbeau Inn & Spa Wedding – Skaneateles, NY

Syracuse Wedding

Janet and Khan chose the beautiful Mirbeau Inn & Spa in Skaneateles, NY for their wedding and I know that all of their guests were glad that they did!  There are not many places around that can compare to the beauty of Mirbeau for a Central New York wedding!

Janet started her wedding day at Bijou Salon in Skaneateles where Stacy worked her magic with hair and makeup.

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groom getting ready for skaneateles wedding army groom portraits in skaneateles first look at mirbeau inn & spa pre-wedding photos at mirbeau inn bride and groom before wedding at mirbeau

Lockwood Lavender Farm in Skaneateles was gracious enough to let Janet and Khan make another visit for their wedding photos!  You’ll notice in later photos that they had lavender on the reception tables and all the girls’ bouquets were lavender too!wedding photos at lockwood lavender farm skaneateles, ny lavender farm wedding photos in the Finger Lakes bride and groom in skaneateles wedding photos in Clift Park in Skaneateles
wedding ceremony at mirbeau inn and spa wedding on bridge at mirbeau summer wedding at mirbeau skaneateles wedding photos at Mirbeaupaper crane wedding reception center piece details

The cake and a host of French macarons were made by The Sweet Praxis, I’m told they tasted as good as they looked!  I had to add in a photo of this great, custom made, cup cake stand though! Janet & Khan’s friends made the cupcakes!

rustin cupcake stand and wedding cake wedding reception tent at mirbeau skaneateles wedding reception wedding reception dancing at mirbeauwedding reception at skaneateles mirbeau

I also have to say that it was a complete pleasure to work with Justin of Mayer Video, couldn’t ask for a more professional wedding vendor.